🚴 Is this NOT the religious zealot cycling church site you're looking for?
All are welcomed here, but if this isn't what you expected, see the "About the Chapel" page (link on the left) for websites that may help you on your quest for cycling salvation.*
🐢 Who is Dan "Father Tortuga" Goese?
I am a local shaman of cycling. But since this institution is called "Father Dan's Cycling Chapel,"* I'm not using my elevated "cycling shaman" title or my Chinese nickname 爷爷 "Yéye" (father of the father). Call me Dan. If you ride coastal San Diego County roads you might recognize me. I'm the guy in the photo above, taking a pull at the front (when I still could, in my 40s). I've become a Strava junkie, so if you're on Strava you can find me there or on Instagram. This old "Tortuga Trepadora" will keep climbing as long as he can swing a leg over the bike. I occasionally include a cycling selfie, some of which show I gave up on shaving for the pandemic, but not forever. In 2024 I moved from La Jolla to Carlsbad and stayed off the bike for a while when my life (as I knew it) was turned upside-down. but there's still plenty of cycling in my future.
All are welcomed here, but if this isn't what you expected, see the "About the Chapel" page (link on the left) for websites that may help you on your quest for cycling salvation.*
🐢 Who is Dan "Father Tortuga" Goese?
I am a local shaman of cycling. But since this institution is called "Father Dan's Cycling Chapel,"* I'm not using my elevated "cycling shaman" title or my Chinese nickname 爷爷 "Yéye" (father of the father). Call me Dan. If you ride coastal San Diego County roads you might recognize me. I'm the guy in the photo above, taking a pull at the front (when I still could, in my 40s). I've become a Strava junkie, so if you're on Strava you can find me there or on Instagram. This old "Tortuga Trepadora" will keep climbing as long as he can swing a leg over the bike. I occasionally include a cycling selfie, some of which show I gave up on shaving for the pandemic, but not forever. In 2024 I moved from La Jolla to Carlsbad and stayed off the bike for a while when my life (as I knew it) was turned upside-down. but there's still plenty of cycling in my future.
👀 Where did all the "content" (links, pictures) from the old LaJollaVelo.com website go?
My hosting package for LaJollaVelo.com at GoDaddy expired and I don't make any money off this putzy habit, so I let the old web site die. I thought I'd try something new (and free) so here we are.
✍ Where is the Blog?
Click the "Blog" link on the left on your computer browser or the trigram ☰ (aka hamburger navigation menu button) in the upper-left corner on your phone. Occasionally I'll post something in the blog. By "occasionally" I mean VERY rarely, as I'm rarely compelled to write blogs...but I'll keep trying!
*For lost cycling souls seeking the echelon of salvation, I apologize for the sudden website name & address change. See my March 23, 2017 blog entry for an explanation of how I was forced into making this change.
My hosting package for LaJollaVelo.com at GoDaddy expired and I don't make any money off this putzy habit, so I let the old web site die. I thought I'd try something new (and free) so here we are.
✍ Where is the Blog?
Click the "Blog" link on the left on your computer browser or the trigram ☰ (aka hamburger navigation menu button) in the upper-left corner on your phone. Occasionally I'll post something in the blog. By "occasionally" I mean VERY rarely, as I'm rarely compelled to write blogs...but I'll keep trying!
*For lost cycling souls seeking the echelon of salvation, I apologize for the sudden website name & address change. See my March 23, 2017 blog entry for an explanation of how I was forced into making this change.
My full "cheat sheet" of cycling websites is at https://goese.com/cycling/
Find more resources and pearls of wisdom 🤪 at my personal website, Goese.com...
Find more resources and pearls of wisdom 🤪 at my personal website, Goese.com...